While riding in the care or traveling by plane it is important to stretch and move your legs to prevent blood clots. Blood clots or Deep Vein Thrombosis (DVT) occurs when a blockage or clot develops in the vein deep within the leg. These clots commonly originate in the lower leg but can be serious because parts of the clot can break loose and migrate and lodge in your lung making it difficult to breathe. A blood clot and is a medical emergency and requires immediate treatment.
Risk Factors for DVT include varicose veins, inherited clotting disorders, pregnancy, obesity, tobacco use, heart disease, recent surgery, age greater than 40 years, being immobile.
Warning signs of DVT can include swelling, pain in calf, warmth and redness of leg.
Reduce risk for blood clots while traveling on long trips by regularly moving your ankles in circles or pumping your foot up and down while sitting. Take regular breaks on road trips to get out of the car and walk around. On planes try to walk up and down the aisle to help get blood flowing back to your heart. Stay hydrated by drinking plenty of water. Use support stockings.
The warning signs may be vague so if you have been traveling and have any of the above warning signs contact our office for an evaluation.