A bunion is often seen as a bump on the side of the big toe that can be very painful. This bump is caused by a shift in the alignment of the bone at the base of the big toe. It can be caused by wearing tight, narrow shoes or also can be hereditary. You can treat bunions by on your own according to the problems it is causing for you and by the intensity of your pain. Slight inflammation, redness and soreness is experienced sometimes, you should apply ice to it. Wearing comfortable and supportive shoes, using orthotic shoe inserts, and padding the bunion can also help to reduce pain. Regardless, you should see a doctor who may prescribe medication for the condition, especially if it worsens.
Flat Foot
Flat foot is a condition where the arches of your feet have completely fallen, so the entire sole touches the ground. This can cause pain in the feet which can also radiate to other parts of the body. The pain can extend from the foot to calf muscles, knees, lower back, and hips. By wearing shoes with orthotic inserts and exercising you can greatly reduce your symptoms.
Diabetic Neuropathy
Unmanaged diabetes can cause nerve damage, particularly in the hands and feet. Because of the nerve damage, you usually have a loss of sensation and have a limited ability to feel pain. This is why many people who have this condition injure their foot without knowing it, making even simple injuries potentially dangerous. Even blisters can become infected, leading to a chronic condition. While a doctor cannot reverse nerve damage, you should go for regular foot exams. Maintaining good health and blood sugar can also help to prevent the condition from worsening.
Athlete’s Foot
Athlete’s foot is a common skin condition caused by a fungal infection on the foot, usually between the toes. This can also spread and cause significant discomfort, itching, and pain. Since athlete’s foot thrives in warm, damp environments, you can commonly be exposed to it in a gym, shower, or pool where other people walk around barefoot. Wearing shoes that are warm and damp, usually without socks, can cause the fungus to grow and spread. Keeping your feet clean and dry can help to prevent athlete’s foot and antifungal treatments are available as sprays, powders, or lotions.
Ingrown Toenails
Ingrown toenails occur when the toenail starts to grow into the nail groove, causing significant pain and discomfort. This is usually caused by wearing shoes that fit badly or are too narrow. It can also be caused by poorly trimmer toenails where they are cut too short. Cutting toenails strait across instead of in a rounded pattern can help to avoid ingrown toenails. It is also important to wear shoes that fit well and are not too narrow toward the toes.